Ensemble Drift Detector Examples

This notebook contains examples on how to build and use ensemble detectors using the individual algorithms in the menelaus suite. These examples also include instructions on specifying evaluation schemes and setting custom subsets of data per constituent detector.

Most parameterizations and initalizations therein may not result in optimal performance or detection, and are provided just for demonstration.


import numpy as np

from menelaus.concept_drift import STEPD
from menelaus.change_detection import ADWIN
from menelaus.datasets import make_example_batch_data, fetch_rainfall_data
from menelaus.data_drift import HDDDM, KdqTreeBatch, KdqTreeStreaming
from menelaus.ensemble import BatchEnsemble, StreamingEnsemble
from menelaus.ensemble import SimpleMajorityElection, MinimumApprovalElection

Import Data

example_data = make_example_batch_data()
rainfall_data = fetch_rainfall_data()

Batch Ensemble

The simplest use of an ensemble is to combine three data-drift-only detectors with few additional settings. In this case we can combine three instances of batch detectors (KdqTreeBatch, HDDDM), all operating on the same data columns, with a very basic evaluation scheme (i.e. a simple majority of detectors alarming, causes the ensemble to alarm).

# initialize set of detectors with desired parameterizations
detectors = {
    'k1': KdqTreeBatch(bootstrap_samples=500),
    'k2': KdqTreeBatch(bootstrap_samples=475),
    'h1': HDDDM()

# choose an election scheme
election = SimpleMajorityElection()

# initialize an ensemble object
ensemble = BatchEnsemble(detectors, election)

Note that BatchEnsemble and StreamingEnsemble are instances of BatchDetector and StreamingDetector themselves (respectively). As such, they are used in the same syntactic way and possess similar properties.

# make dataset smaller
df_example_data = example_data[example_data.year < 2010]

# split dataset into 1 dataset for each 'batch' (year)
df_into_batches = [x for _,x in df_example_data.groupby('year')]
df_into_batches = [x[['a', 'b', 'c']] for x in df_into_batches]

# batch detectors -- and ensembles -- need an initial reference batch
print(f"Batch #{0} | Ensemble reference set")

for i, batch in enumerate(df_into_batches[1:]):
    print(f"Batch #{i+1} | Ensemble overall drift state: {ensemble.drift_state}")
Batch #0 | Ensemble reference set
Batch #1 | Ensemble overall drift state: None
Batch #2 | Ensemble overall drift state: drift

Streaming Ensemble

Using an ensemble of streaming detectors can involve additional features. This example uses both data and concept drift detectors (KdqTreeStreaming, STEPD), custom subsets of data for different detectors, as well as a different election scheme that will alarm if a custom, minimum number of detectors “approve” or alarm for drift.

# initialize set of detectors with desired parameterizations
detectors = {
    'k1': KdqTreeStreaming(window_size=200, bootstrap_samples=250),
    'k2': KdqTreeStreaming(window_size=225, bootstrap_samples=200),
    's1': STEPD(window_size=50),
    'a': ADWIN(delta=.001)


# Functions that select the part of 'X' each detector needs - keys must match!
# Note that the default behavior, without a selector specified, is to use all columns.
# For detectors that only operate on y_true and y_pred, like STEPD, specifying
# a selector isn't necessary. But for detectors like ADWIN, which only monitor
# a single variable within X, the selector *must* be specified!
column_selectors = {
    'k1': lambda x: x[['temperature', 'visibility', 'dew_point']],
    'k2': lambda x: x[['temperature', 'visibility', 'average_wind_speed']],
    'a': lambda x: x[['visibility']]

# choose an election scheme
election = MinimumApprovalElection(approvals_needed=1)

# initialize an ensemble object
stream_ensemble = StreamingEnsemble(detectors, election, column_selectors)

When mixing concept and data drift detectors, it’s especially important to pass data explicitly.

# make data smaller
df_stream = rainfall_data[0:1000]

# random "predicted" outcomes -- in case a concept drift detector needs them
y_preds = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=1000)

# use ensemble
for i, row in df_stream.iterrows():
    if stream_ensemble.drift_state is not None:
        print(f"Example #{i} | Ensemble drift state: {stream_ensemble.drift_state}")
Example #191 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #287 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #409 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #415 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #460 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #735 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #767 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #799 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #819 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #831 | Ensemble drift state: drift
Example #921 | Ensemble drift state: drift
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